Is it possible to checkmate with a pawn

Is there some theory to explain that?? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. I'd like to learn retrograde from now.. It seem to be called, known but can't be done moves. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Version labels for answers. Linked 1.

Related 3. Hot Network Questions. Question feed. The second one is a bit more precise, since simply moving rook by one square will pin the pawn, so you have to manuever the queen and the rook. I actually got a pawn checkmate one time. I had other pieces covering the spaces, but I made my final move with a pawn. I felt accomplished haha. I had a pawn mate as the pawn was on g4 and king h5. All other spaces would have put his king in mate with my rooks but the opposer moved his pawn from h4 to h3 and took my pawn Never seen this before lol.

Forums Fun With Chess. Feb 26, 1. Feb 27, 2. Feb 27, 3. I like to do stuff like this. Can you checkmate with only pawns? Yes, you can checkmate with only pawns and there are two different ways to do so. The first is promote pawns to queens who can easily deliver a checkmate.

It is important when considering this question to look at how pawns move. Pawns move in a fairly unusual fashion. They may move one square straight forward but on their first move, they may mother either one or two squares straight forwar d.

Yet, they do not attack in a straight forward motion but rather on the diagonal forward instead and they attack only a single square to either side on a diagonal line and only in a forward direction. That means for a king to be checked by a pawn it must be a single square away from that pawn, in front of it and on a diagonal.

This means that it can be difficult for a pawn to be positioned to threaten the king , particularly early in the game when there is a lot of material on the chessboard which prevents the easy movement of pawns.


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