Can you do puzzles on shabbat

Therefore, children may not drape a blanket over chairs in order to create a tent to play in. However, this is permissible if they hold the blanket horizontally in the air, and afterward place chairs underneath. One may use a kit to make jewelry that is not made to last, on condition that the end of the thread is not tied with a regular knot but rather with a bow knot SSK One may not sort playing pieces or cards of two games that got mixed up together, as it constitutes Borer.

However, if people want to play one of the games, they may remove the pieces they need from the mix. Therefore, Play-Doh and modeling clay are muktzeh. Support Peninei Halakha. Chapter: 24 - Children.

Permitted and Prohibited Games on Shabbat. Prev Additional Games and Playing in the Yard Next. Educating Children about Negative Commandments Who Is Obligated to Educate and Object?

Permissive Rulings under Pressing Circumstances Permitted and Prohibited Games on Shabbat Recipes only. Wed, May 16 , pm. Thu, May 17 , am. Thu, May 17 , pm. Fashion and Beauty. Recipes only Advanced Search. Jigsaw puzzles on Shabbos or Yom Tov. View latest: 24h 48h 72h. Wed, May 16 , pm I was brought up with the principle that jigsaw puzzles are Muktza on Shabbos because you are forming a picture when joining the pieces together. I love doing puzzles so if anybody has actually heard from a reliable source that it is o.

Thank you. Back to top. Wed, May 16 , pm My husband looked it up for me and said it was fine. I'm sure there are different opinions. Wed, May 16 , pm I learned that it's okay as long as you don't plan on keeping the puzzle put together so you'll take it apart rather than glue it. I can't remember who said it, though. Wed, May 16 , pm "There's a machlokes ha Poskim", but you're not surprised, right?!

However, Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata forbids if the pieces fit tight together interlock. Hope this helps! Permanent writing is prohibited min haTorah, while temporary writing is prohibited only miderabbanan. Thus, one may form letters in the air and one may communicate in sign language on Shabbos. Writing in an unusual way, such as with one's weaker hand, is prohibited miderabbanan, although erasing with one's weaker hand is prohibited min haTorah, since it is not difficult to do so.

Writing on frosty windows and using disappearing ink or invisible ink on Shabbos is prohibited miderabbanan. The poskim discuss whether eating icing in the form of letters is considered erasing; the Mishnah Berurah rules that although one may bite through the letters, when cutting the cake, one should preferably slice between the letters and not through them. I will shortly explain the distinction between slicing between the letters and biting through them.

Discussing the halachic issues as to whether or not one may play the game of Scrabble on Shabbos provides an opportunity to address some other aspects of the laws of writing. As we will see, there is not only a question as to whether or not this constitutes writing, but an additional concern as to whether it could potentially cause one to write. Two potential writing issues are involved with Scrabble. First, is placing existent letters to form words considered writing?

Perhaps writing requires actually forming the letters and not merely placing letters next to one another. Similar shaylos exist with educational toys or puzzles that form words, or combination locks that open by sliding numbers or letters into a certain sequence. In all of these cases, the question is whether forming a word or a code by moving letters together constitutes writing. Similarly, if this is considered writing, does separating the letters constitute erasing?

Scrabble also involves a second shaylah: May one play games on Shabbos where the score is usually kept by writing? Is this prohibited because of concern that one might forget and write on Shabbos? In his opinion, opening the book and thereby breaking the letters in this way violates a Torah prohibition of erasing; closing the book and reconstituting the letters violates writing.

Similarly, assembling or disassembling letters of puzzles and games is prohibited according to the Levush, since one is "writing" by moving the puzzle pieces together and "erasing" by separating them. Other poskim add that the Levush would also prohibit opening and closing a book where the page edges are decorated since this is considered erasing and redrawing the decoration Machatzis HaShekel According to this analysis, it is prohibited to assemble or disassemble a jigsaw puzzle or a child's picture puzzle on Shabbos, since doing so creates a picture, which is "writing" according to this opinion.

Writing is forming letters of communication. These authorities contend that bringing existent letters or parts of letters together is not considered writing and is permitted on Shabbos. The Levush, who contends that creating letters or words is considered writing, even if one creates them from existent letters, disputes this exact point. Opening and closing a door is considered using the door and not the building or destruction of a house.

Similarly, someone opening and closing the pages of a book is using it; this is not considered erasing and writing the words on the edges. Presumably, the Levush contends that there is a major difference between opening and closing a door, which is using it in a normal way, and opening a book with writing on its edges.

The writing and erasing that takes place on the edge of the book cannot be considered the normal, integral usage of a book because it happens incidentally to opening the book , and therefore it is an act of writing and erasing on Shabbos.

Although some poskim agree with the Levush Magen Avraham ; Chazon Ish , the majority rule leniently. The Mishnah Berurah concludes that, although the halacha is not according to the Levush, one should preferably be stringent, if one has a different book available


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